I will assist with applying for a Veterans cemetery and help you connect with a veterans service officer in your area
Burial Entitlements
- American flag to drape the casket
- Presidential Memorial Certificate for family
- Headstone or marker
- Burial and Plot Allowances
- Burial in a VA National Cemetery
American Burial Flag
A flag shall be furnished to drape the casket of:
- Honorably discharged veterans of any war or of service after 1/31/1955 who served as least one enlistment or were discharged or released from active duty for a disability incurred in the line of duty
- Former members of the Selected Reserve that have completed at least one enlistment or were discharged or released for a disability incurred in the line of duty
- Download the Burial Flag information sheet.
Presidential Memorial Certificates
- Program was initiated in March 1962 by President John F. Kennedy and has been continued by all subsequent Presidents.
- Certificates bear the current President’s signature expressing the country’s grateful recognition of the veterans service in the United States Armed Forces.
- Eligible recipients include the next of kin and loved ones of honorably discharged deceased veterans. More than one certificate may be provided.
Headstones and Markers
- Any deceased veteran discharged from the U.S. armed forces under conditions other than dishonorable is eligible for a government headstone or marker.
- Service after September 7, 1980, must be for a minimum of 24 consecutive months or be completed under special circumstances (e.g., death on active duty).
- Persons who have only limited active duty service for training while in the National Guard or Reserves are not eligible unless there are special circumstances (e.g., death while on duty or as a result of training).
- Persons with 20 years of service in the National Guard or Reserves who are entitles to retired pay are also eligible for a government headstone or marker. A copy of the Reserve Retirement Eligibility Benefits Letter (commonly called the “Twenty-Year Letter”), must accompany the application.
- Active duty service (other than active duty for training) while in the National Guard or Reserves also establishes eligibility.
Burial and Plot Allowances
Veteran must have:
- Been in receipt of or entitled to receive VA Disability Compensation and/or Pension.
- Died in a VA medical center or while hospitalized under VA contract.
Transportation cost MAY be paid if:
- Death is non-service connected and vet is to be transported for burial in nearest National Cemetery.
- Dies while hospitalized by VA or at VA expense or in an approved state nursing home. Pays for transport or remains from place of death to place of burial.
Burial Allowances
- Service-Connected Death: $2,000 reimbursement toward total burial costs including transportation.
- Non Service-Connected Death: $300 reimbursement toward cost of general burial costs. $300 reimbursement toward purchase of plot.
- Download the Burial and Plot Internment Allowance sheet.
Persons Eligible for Burial in a VA National Cemetery
- Any member of the Armed Forces of the United States who dies on active duty.
- Veterans who meet applicable duty requirements and who were discharged under honorable conditions. With certain exceptions, service beginning after September 7, 1080, as an enlisted person, and service after October 15, 1981, as an office, must be for a minimum of 24 continuous months or the full period for which the person was called to active duty (as in the case of a Reservist called to active duty for a limited duration).
- Reservists and National Guard members who, at time of death, were entitled to retired pay under Chapter 1223, title 10, United States Code, or would have been entitled, but for being under the age of 60.
- The spouse or surviving spouse of an eligible veteran is eligible for interment in a national cemetery even if that veteran is not buries or memorialized in a national cemetery. in addition, the spouse or surviving spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States whose remains are unavailable for burial is also eligible for burial.
- Download the Active Duty Survivor Benefits sheet.